Exams & Cleanings
It’s very vital for optimal oral health with dental exam regularly, your any concerns that may arise with the dental health can be addressed early.While it is usually associated with things like cavities and loose fillings, a complete dental exam can also help detect abnormalities such as oral cancer.
Our exam services including:
- Periodontal exam (gums and jawbones)
- X-ray (bone loss, cysts, tumors)
- Throat and mouth examination
- Occlusal exam (inspection of the bite)
- TMJ exam (analyzing jaw joints)
- Salivary exam
Our cleaning services including:
- Gum inflammation
- Infectious diseases
- Bad breath
- Discomfort and bleeding
- Ligament and bone loss
- Loosening of teeth
Here at Yuan Tian Dental PLLC, we can provide a quick and painless deep dental cleaning, our dentist will remove from your teeth any deposits that cannot be dealt with by regular brushing, such as plaque and tartar.
To make sure we’re keeping your smile healthy, our clinicis equipped with state-of-the-art technology and materials.
We’re Ready to Help You
For any questions regarding the General Dentistry services we provide, please call our office at 718-799-0779.
The frequency of x-rays varies by dental office and by patient. Some patients may only need x-rays annually, while others need them every six months, or even more frequently, depending on developing conditions.
Dentists make careful assessments about if and when patients need x-rays, carefully weighing the benefits and potential risks before deciding on any tests or courses of treatment. If x-rays are recommended, it is likely with good reason.
This is a concern for many patients, but the amount of radiation involved in dental x-rays is minimal and patients are provided with all possible protections, including a lead-lined apron to cover portions of the body that could be exposed to x-rays. Plus, you’ll only receive x-rays when necessary so as to avoid undue risk.
Our Office
Office Hours
- Mon to Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm
- Sat: 10:00am - 5:00pm
- Sun: Closed